The Pony Palooza Event is a full weekend of fun, food and frolicking in our field for Pony Play enthusiasts in the Fingerlakes region of New York! This venue features an enclosed field that is an acre large and a few short trails to take your human pony on. This event will be more than open play time in the pasture; it will also feature a silent auction, a potluck picnic, multiple workshops and a competition!
Mark your Calendars! The Pony Palooza Event is scheduled for the 4th of July weekend, 2015. Ticket price TBD.
How you can help!
- Volunteer! Volunteering for Pony Palooza is rewarded with a waived or discounted ticket to the Pony Palooza Event. Volunteer positions needed are: Organizers, Workshop Presenters, Registration Desk Assistants, Parking Lot Attendants and Set-up & Tear-Down Crew.
- Donate or Loan Gear! Play equipment is needed for this event, both for the auction and for public use. If you have bondage furniture (outdoor-safe), a pony cart, other pony play gear, or camping canopies, please consider donating or loaning said items to this event. Any donation or loan will be rewarded with a discounted ticket price. Significant donations will be rewarded with a waived ticket.
- Attend! If you are a pony play enthusiast, partnered or not, please consider attending this fun weekend event!
- Spread the word! Even if you can’t attend, donate or volunteer, please feel free to share this link with others.